Prior to the surgery, Mom made sure that all was in place for her time in hospital and return home following. She's catching up with friends here and making some zucchini bread in the background.

Walking in
We arrived early on a Monday morning at Mon General Hospital in Morgantown, WV (where my parents live).

Waiting for surgery
In pre-surgery prep, the anaesthetist gave Mom something to calm the nerves, when it was time to go in she seemed very happy for the surgery.

Long walk down
The corridor down to surgery and the Cardiac Care Unit.

Every magazine on the shelf
Dad and I waited for about five hours in a room just for families of cardiac surgery patients and those in the Cardiac Care Unit.

With Sir Koff-a-Lot
This is Mom late in the afternoon on the day following her surgery in the Cardiac Care Unit. They try to get patients up as soon as possible to reduce the chance of clots. The bear is for cardiac patients to hug when they need to cough or sneeze.

Layers of care
Debbie is Dr. Lee's nurse (Dr. Kee Lee was her surgeon). She was at hand through the whole time in hospital to act as advocate for Mom and oversee her care.

At rest
After a few days in the CCU, Mom was transferred to a step-down unit (basically a regular hospital room staffed for cardiac patients).

Room with a view
...and she was very soon encouraged to engage in her normal routine.

Keeping current
Dad and I alternated back and forth spending most of the day with Mom in her room.

Plenty of time to heal
Mom was never in a great deal of pain; there is just the monotony of the hospital and discomfort of staying in bed most of the day.

Another pillow
The (excellent) nursing staff at Mon General worked with Mom to keep her both comfortable and as active as possible.

On the move
Mom's house shoes waiting by the bed for her regular walks round the room and down the hall.

Mom received a lot of support and well wishes from friends and family.

Making lap(s)
Every day brought a new goal and accomplishment for her recovery. This was a full walk round the ward.

Ready for home
Mom on the day of her discharge from hospital.

On the way out
Wheeling out to the car on the day of her discharge.

Family visit
About three weeks following surgery we had a family dinner at my aunt and uncle's house.

Mom in my aunt and uncle's sitting room.

Mom always has these rings on; of course, in hospital, she did not. At dinner here I looked down and noticed her wearing them again.

Out and about
Mom taking a short walk outside with my cousin and her son.

In the garden
Mom at four weeks following surgery at the WV Botanic Garden annual garden party. Mom had a major role organising this and it was her goal to attend.